Treating Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Pain at a Naperville Chiropractic Clinic
The shoulder is one of the most unstable joints in the human body. This is due to its freedom of motion which puts the shoulder at inherent risk of injury. Where the shoulder derives most of its stability is through a group of four muscles that make up your rotator cuff.
Dealing with many athletes, manual laborers, teachers, hair stylists etc. an injury we commonly see is one of the shoulder or the surrounding rotator cuff muscles. A great example of someone at risk of shoulder injury is an overhead athlete for example a baseball or volleyball player or someone who uses their arm overhead on a daily basis. However shoulder and rotator cuff pain can occur for a number of reasons.
The shoulder also happens to be one of the most complex joints on the human body to treat. A proper and thorough examination performed by a chiropractor who specializes in shoulder injuries, like the ones here at Victory Rehab, will help determine where the discomfort is coming from. It is also very important to evaluate the surrounding muscles and joints to look for break down in muscle patterns that could be leading to pain elsewhere.

If you are experiencing shoulder pain and live near Naperville IL then click here to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors