Knee Pain – Chiropractic Clinic | Naperville and Geneva, IL | Victory Rehab A Progressive Spine & Joint Wellness Center Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:13:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Don’t let patellar tracking disorder keep you from your victory Mon, 18 Apr 2022 23:02:20 +0000

Don't Let Patellar Tracking Disorder Keep You From Your Victory

You may have heard it called by different names; Patellar tracking disorder, patello-femoral syndrome, or runner’s knee.  Whatever you know it by, if you are a runner, odds are you know someone who has dealt with this nagging injury or maybe you have even been a victim yourself.  As a sport specific chiropractor in Naperville Illinois that specializes in musculoskeletal issues in athletes, this is one of the more common issues we see with our runners.  At my clinic, Victory Rehab, we have had great success in identifying this nagging injury, developing treatment strategies, and working with high level athletes in injury prevention.  So let’s discuss what patellar tracking disorder is, how it is caused, the long term effects, and the most effective ways to prevent and treat this annoying sports injury.

First, let’s discuss the cause.  Patellar tracking or runner’s knee is often caused by inflammation under and around the knee in the patellar tendon and the surrounding soft tissue.  The reason this happens is due to an imbalance in the surrounding muscles, whether it be weakness or tightness in the quadriceps muscles.  In a perfect world our patella, or knee cap, should track nice and neatly between two boney groves when we flex our legs.  However, if you have overtrained or undertrained certain muscle groups in the muscles above the knee (something runner’s are notorious for) then your patella will start to pull to one side or the other.  This creates a rubbing effect of the knee cap and puts a lot more twisting or torsion through the patellar tendon itself.  Over time it becomes painful.  Signs of runner’s knee are pain under or around the knee cap, running or even walking down hill might be painful, and if it is bad enough you may start to feel knee pain even when you are going through normal daily activities.

Luckily the long term effects typically are just nagging pain and more serious problems rarely happen as a result of runner’s knee. That’s great to hear for most people, but runner’s are a different breed, and shutting down running to allow for healing is just not an option for most.

One of the best ways we deal with runner’s knee at our Naperville chiropractic office is prevention. If you can bring balance to your quadriceps muscles and other knee stabilizers before tracking even becomes an issue then it’s something that shouldn’t arise in the first place. Given the repetitive stress nature of running and the fact that it is a very linear activity, cross training muscle groups for more lateral movements helps immensely. Things like lateral slides, side lunges, and sumo deadlifts are a great start. Someone who is well versed in specialized exercises for runner’s is a great resource. Rolling out muscles is another great approach. Sometimes stretching alone can’t impact your tight tissues enough, so rolling out with a foam roller is a great way to attach the areas of tightness around your knee. As long as there isn’t visible inflammation around the knee, heating is the way to go. Heat will bring blood flow to the area and help any damaged tissues heal. Lastly, try to sit less. As humans we are not designed to sit for long periods of time even though most of us do. Sitting tightens certain muscle groups that can lead to patellar tracking issues so finding ways to stand and move around more in the office is a great way to go.

As the running season is upon us it is important to get out ahead of these types of injuries to have the most successful, injury free, year yet. If you are experiencing generalized knee pain and stretching and strength training isn’t helping, it may be time to see a professional. At Victory Rehab we have over 15 years of experience dealing with runner’s and their repetitive injuries. Our practice is conveniently located in Naperville right in the heart of the suburban Chicago running scene.

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Victory Rehab – Knee Pain Helped by Chiropractic Care Thu, 25 Nov 2021 06:35:11 +0000 At our Naperville Chiropractic and rehab center we know that knee pain is an increasingly more common problem in our society and something that we see more in more in our office.

The most common complaints that enter Victory Rehab relate to ‘wear and tear’ or osteoarthritis and although a condition such as osteoarthritis is not curable, the symptoms can be reduced and the progression of the problem can be helped thanks to our unique approach to treatment, specifically chiropractic adjustments, manipulation, and therapeutic exercises.


  • knee pain is limiting your day-to-day or sporting activities,
  • you have been given painkillers and been told to rest with no long-term improvement, or
  • you have been told you have arthritis and there is nothing that can be done?

When pain is perceived as coming from the knee, all the anatomical components need to be examined and in addition to the knee joint, the low back, pelvis, hip, ankle and foot need to be examined due to the direct influence they have on the knee, and vice versa. Our approach at our Naperville facility is to ask the question of why the pain is occurring and not just identifying the tissue of origin.

Anatomy of Knee Joint

As Chiropractors in Naperville we take a comprehensive medical history and perform a thorough physical and biomechanical examination in order to make an accurate diagnosis – without an accurate diagnosis, the treatment will not be successful.

Our approach of assessing and treating the knee includes the evaluation of the other joints and muscles relating to the knee.

Knee Adjustment

At Victory Rehab we know that by normalizing joint function we will also have and impact on the surrounding musculature and stabilizing structures within the knee joint.  This is done through either specific chiropractic knee adjustments or manipulations.

Click here to schedule in evaluation and exam and to see if Chiropractic is the answer to your knee pain.

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Hyperextended Knee: How it Happens, How it Feels, and How to Fix it Wed, 24 Nov 2021 09:04:08 +0000 Having hyperextended knee can be a world of discomfort.

Your leg is made to bend back and stay straight when you bring it forward. But injury can cause the exact opposite: a leg that bends beyond the straightened position. When this happens, the pain can be unbearable.

A hyperextended knee can also lead to severe ligament damage. A mild hyperextended knee can be treated by your chiropractor but serious cases may require surgery.

The severity of your condition depends on the nature of the injury as well as your personal level of health.

By learning about the causes and symptoms of hyperextended knee, you can take measures to prevent it and seek appropriate care when it happens.


Hyperextended knee is often pretty easy to identify. The knee is bent upwards beyond the straight position it’s supposed to have. It looks like when your children bend the legs of their barbie dolls in the wrong direction.

There are certain key symptoms that typically accompany hyperextended knee.

Pain is the most obvious tell. The pain is sharp, acute, and focused around the knee area–the area of injury.

In the moment of injury, most people hear or feel a pop in their knee. This “popping” sound is a major clue that the ensuing pain is related to hyperextended knee.

Shortly after the injury occurs, bruises start to appear around your affected knee.

Hyperextended knee impairs your motion. You find yourself unable to move your leg like normal.

You may also notice the accumulation of water in your knee joint. It starts to swell up. This condition called “water on the knee” any movement extremely uncomfortable. 

In less severe cases, the pain may not be as strong. But instability in your knee and the constant feeling of buckling is a sign that you have hyperextended knee.


You’re probably wondering “why do you get hyperextended knee?”

Your knee hyperextends, or goes beyond its appropriate range of motion, when inordinate stress is placed on your knee joint ligaments. The most commonly affected ligaments are anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).

The kind of force strong enough to provoke hyperextended knee is usually related to sports and accidents.

Contact sports like football and lacrosse are common culprits. But even running can lead to hyperextended knee if you push yourself beyond your limits or don’t use proper technique.

Many times, hyperextended knee incidents are caused by an athlete unexpectedly placing all their weight on one leg. This can happen in basketball, for instance, when he goes to make a shot.

Naturally, the impact of being tackled in football or rugby can be enough to push the femur over the patella in a way that puts excess stress over the ligaments in your joint.

The most serious cases of hyperextended knee typically happen during car accidents. Automobile collisions are massive impacts that can cause major damage to your knee’s surrounding tissue and cartilage.


Knowing what leads to hyperextended knee makes it easier to stop it from happening in the first place.

If you play high contact sports, you may not have control over the actions of the other athletes on the field. But doing your part can go a long way. Especially when it comes to practicing adequate technique.

Don’t overexert yourself. Know your limits and stay within them. If you haven’t been active in years, don’t start out running miles and miles.

Always stretch and warm up. Skipping stretching is just inviting something to go wrong.

Use good form. And avoid doing cardio on hard surfaces if possible. Because pavement doesn’t give under your step, it places more stress on your joints.

Preventing hyperextended knee is extremely important. If it happens to you once, you may permanently damage your ligaments, increasing the chances of it happening again.


Most of the hyperextended knee cases that occur on the sportsfield are treatable without surgery. The depth of care depends from case to case, but the following elements are normally helpful:

Getting plenty of rest with your leg elevated is a must. You’ve got to give the ligaments enough time to heal. For minor cases, recovery time can be between 2-4 weeks.

Ice and compression should be part of your treatment. They speed up the healing process and provide relief from the pain and inflammation.

If the pain is too much to bear, you can take over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen.

You may benefit from the use of a knee brace while you get back on your feet. Knee braces help prevent further injury.

You should definitely consider a chiropractor. Contrary to popular belief, chiropractors aren’t just for your spine. A chiropractor who works with all joints can be of invaluable assistance.


In the more extreme cases of hyperextended knee surgery, most often those involving a car crash, surgery may be needed.

Hyperextended knee surgery comes in two types:

Arthroscopy is used for the smaller injuries. During this procedure, the surgeon inserts an endoscopic camera into the affected area to assess the condition and make necessary repairs.

In Reconstruction Surgery, torn ligaments are removed and replaced using a graft.

Surgery is followed by a period of recuperation and physical therapy that may last as long as six months.


Hyperextended knee surgery isn’t a light matter. Not only is it painful. If not treated properly, it can have a long-term impact on your physical performance.

So if you begin experiencing acute pain during exercise or after an accident, consult with your healthcare provider to obtain a valid diagnosis.

Rest and chiropractic can get you back in shape in most cases, but be prepared for more intense therapy according to the severity of your injury.

To prevent hyperextended knee surgery, always stretch and warm-up before exercise. Don’t overexert yourself.

Having a hyperextended knee can be highly inconvenient, but having the right information can help you get back in your game. 

If you have doubts, do not hesitate to make an appointment with any of our specialists.

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Seeing a Chiropractor for Knee Pain: This is What You Need to Know Wed, 24 Nov 2021 07:09:37 +0000
Chiropractors treat over 27 million Americans annually, but it’s not always for neck or back pain. In fact, visiting a chiropractor could help relieve some of the knee pain you’re experiencing, too. A chiropractor can help manage, or in some cases eliminate, your injury or pain.

Are you on the fence about visiting a chiropractor for knee pain? There are a few factors to consider before you make your choice. 

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know before visiting a knee chiropractor. With this guide, you can make an informed decision before scheduling your appointment. 

The care you need is only a few questions away.


Sometimes knee pain is caused by an intense sports injury. Maybe you were tackled during a game and your leg twisted in the wrong direction. While those incidents might seem obvious, some knee injuries are much more subtle.

For example, the most common cause of knee pain is that the cartilage degrades over time.

As the cartilage degrades, you can form arthritis, which involves inflammation and stiffening of your knee joint. 

Some doctors suggest one of two solutions: medication or surgery. However, those aren’t your only options. Instead, you can visit a knee chiropractor who can help relieve your pain.

Another cause of knee pain is excess body weight. If you’re overweight, your knees are bearing that load. Your knees have to handle the pressure of your weight with every step. If you’re overweight and suffering from knee pain, losing a few pounds can improve your knee health.

Meanwhile, visiting a chiropractor for knee pain will help you improve your range of motion without surgery.

By visiting a chiropractor, you can find a non-invasive, natural approach to healing.


Nearly two-thirds of Americans agree that chiropractors have their best interests in mind. If you’re considering a chiropractor for knee pain, make sure to speak to them about all the problems you’re facing. Let them know where you’re experiencing pain symptoms.

During your first appointment, your chiropractor will complete a comprehensive evaluation. They’ll ask about your medical history, what you believe caused the pain, and more. The chiropractor will likely consider your spine, neck, and hips in addition to examining your knees.

Why? Our bodies are integrated machines. If one component is off, it could cause pain somewhere else.

In other words, your knee pain is possibly caused by a spine unalignment. 

If your spine isn’t aligned, you might lean to one side as your walk. As a result, your hip will rotate slightly with each step. This will require your knee to adjust to the new angle, which can cause your knee pain. 

Other reasons for knee pain might include:

  • Tight muscles
  • Unevenly developed leg muscles
  • Hip joint issues

Your chiropractor will consider these possible causes and more.


Once your chiropractor completes their assessment, they’ll develop a customized treatment plan. If they’ve determined your knee pain is caused by another condition, your plan will include solving the cause for your pain. 

Your chiropractor will also create a plan to help you manage your knee pain. A knee adjustment and plan will heal any damage you’ve sustained. 

One of the main components of treatment is to reduce your inflammation. A chiropractor might suggest Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to reduce your swelling. They might also suggest ice or hot packs.

These techniques will help your body begin the healing process by focusing on the affected area.

The electrical currents will help reduce your swelling. However, your chiropractor will still want to determine why the joint or muscle swelled in the first place.

Once the swelling comes down, your chiropractor will want to focus on restoring function to the knee joint. A lot of chiropractic work relies on chiropractic manipulation to reinforce or recover mobilization. If a lack of mobility isn’t an issue, your chiropractor might suggest a deep tissue treatment or trigger-point therapy.

Whether your knee is the root problem or elsewhere, your treatment and pain management plan will likely involve:

  • A chiropractic knee adjustment
  • Ice application to reduce inflammation
  • Soft tissue massage to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and increase range of motion
  • Ultrasound treatments
  • Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises

Over time, these chiropractic knee adjustment treatments can help reduce your pain.


Do not try to treat your knee pain at home using a self-adjustment video. These videos can lead to further muscle damage. Instead, try to visit a licensed chiropractor.

Their understanding of the musculoskeletal system can help determine why you’re in pain. If necessary, they can perform a proper knee adjustment to relieve your pain. 

A knee adjustment or manipulation will affect your overall posture. It can also help reduce joint restrictions. Chiropractic knee adjustments are an ideal solution if your knee pain is associated with mobility issues.

Instead of trying to solve the problem on your own, visit a chiropractor who can help.


Don’t ignore your knee pain. Instead, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. Visiting a chiropractor for knee pain can help you avoid pain when:

  • Walking up or downstairs
  • Squatting
  • Sitting down
  • Getting up
  • Getting out of bed
  • Walking
  • Hobbies (sports or gardening)

Everything you do throughout the day could impact your quality of life. When you’re in pain, you’re less likely to remain physically active. This can lead to weight gain and muscle loss.

It could also impact your coordination.

A lack of physical activity can also leave you more susceptible to future injuries. When it’s difficult to move without pain, you’ll feel unable to participate in life. As a result, you might also feel anxious or depressed in time.

Visiting a chiropractor for knee pain can help strengthen your knees and overall health.


Don’t let knee pain slow your life down. Instead, consider visiting a chiropractor for knee pain. They can ensure your body is properly aligned, improving your overall quality of life.

Eager to start healing? Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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