Back Pain – Chiropractic Clinic | Naperville and Geneva, IL | Victory Rehab A Progressive Spine & Joint Wellness Center Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:14:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Naperville Chiropractor Demonstrates how Chiropractic Care Stacks up Agains Surgical Options for Low Back Pain Thu, 25 Nov 2021 06:50:13 +0000 At our Naperville chiropractic clinic “sciatic pain” is one of the most common chief complaints. “Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve and its branches from your back down your buttock and leg. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It runs from your spinal cord to your buttock and hip area and down the back of each leg. Sciatica is a symptom, not a disorder. The radiating pain of sciatica signals another problem involving the nerve, such as a herniated disk” ( sciatica/DS00516).

Since “sciatic pain” is one of the most common reasons an individual seeks low back treatment like chiropractic care lets make sure we clearly define the root cause.  A prime symptom of sciatica is leg pain in conjunction with herniated discs. As reported by the US Chiropractic Directory in 2010, “Pain radiating down your leg secondary to a herniated disc is a common and often disabling occurrence. When a person experiences trauma and the forces are directed at the spine and disc. The pressure on the inside of the disc is increased (like stepping on a balloon) and the internal nucleus pulposis creates pressure from the inside out. It tears the outer annulus fibrosis causing the internal material to go beyond the outer boundaries of the disc. This has often been misnamed a ‘slipped disc’ because the disc doesn’t slip or slide, it is torn from the trauma allowing the internal material to escape.


Conversely, a bulging disc, which gets confused with a herniated disc, is a degenerative “wear and tear scenario” that occurs over time with the annulus fibrosis degenerating. This can also be a “risk factor” allowing the disc to herniate with less trauma due to the degeneration or thinning of the disc walls. Lifetime prevalence of a herniated disc has been estimated to be 35% in men and 45% in woman and it has been estimated that 90% of all leg pain secondary to herniated discs occurs at either the L4-5 or L5-S1 levels. It has also been reported that average duration of symptoms is 55.9 weeks, underscoring the critical necessity for finding a viable solution for these patients

Both the surgical and chiropractic groups reported no new neurological problems surfaced and had only minor post-treatment soreness. 60% of the patients who underwent chiropractic care reported a successful outcome while 40% required surgery and of those 40%, all reported successful outcomes. Of those patients choosing surgery as the primary means of treatment, 15% reported a failed surgical outcome and then chose chiropractic as a secondary choice. Of those 15% with failed surgeries, all were reported to have performed worse in clinical outcomes. 

At Victory Rehab in Naperville we perform all the necessary tests and examinations to determine whether or not we can help you.  Our treatments for low back and sciatic pain are evidence based to allow our patients the best chance of success.  If you are experiencing low back pain and live in Naperville or the surrounding area and are curious if you are a chiropractic patient click here to schedule a comprehensive consultation and exam. 

Dr. Tom stretches a patients low back

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How Glut Activation Can Supplement Chiropractic Adjustments for Back Pain Wed, 24 Nov 2021 09:50:32 +0000 So often we see patients come to our office with one form of mechanical low back pain or another.  One thing that it is imperative for our patients, and really anyone who has ever had back pain for that matter, to understand is there are often complicated muscular break downs at play.  In order for the joints in our low back to function as well as they can the muscles that attach to/and around our spine have to be functioning at their highest level as well.  When it comes to muscles the word “function” does not only mean strength, a large part of muscles functioning properly is their elasticity, ability to fire, or mobility as a whole.

Easily one of the most common participators in mechanical low back pain is poor glut activation.  As active human beings we walk every day, some of us run every day, and in that process our Gluteus Maximus has a very important job: HIP EXTENSION.  

Hip extension is the act of driving our leg back in our normal gait cycle.  The primary muscle involved in hip extension is our gluts.  For many of us not only are our gluts weak, we have also lost the ability to fire them properly.  A muscle can only be as strong as the junction of the nerve into that muscle, this serves as the “firing complex” also known as our neuromuscular junction.  With poor glut activation lies a big problem and other muscles now have to pick up the slack.  One of the main muscle groups taking on the extra load are the ones in your low back.  There in lies the issue, we now have a large group of muscles doing a job that they normally do not do and over time we start to see a break down. Tiger Woods is a famous example of this breakdown.  Now obviously with an example like Tiger Woods and most individuals there are many other factors to take into account, however, poor glut activation is a key component.  

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Simple Glut Activation Screen

A simple test to see if you have poor glut activation is to lie face down on the floor and while keeping your right leg straight lift it off the floor towards the ceiling.  During this process focus on where you feel most of your muscles engaging.  If you feel most of the muscles having to work in your low back then you may be a victim of poor glut max activation.  

So what to do next?  If you are someone suffering from low back pain and discomfort and live in Naperville or the surrounding area CLICK HERE to have one of our experienced Chiropractors perform a functional exam and see if you could benefit from the chiropractic care and rehab at Victory Rehab.

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The Benefits of Naperville Chiropractic Care Services For Back Pain Wed, 24 Nov 2021 04:34:08 +0000 Are you wondering how Naperville chiropractic care services may be able to help with your back pain? Click here for more information.

About 65 million Americans have reported a recent episode of back pain. Meanwhile, 16 million adults (8% of all adults) experience persistent or chronic symptoms.

Chronic back pain can impact your ability to perform certain activities. You could struggle to play with your kids or work. Your quality of life could change as a result.

Meanwhile, the health care costs due to back pain reach over $12 billion every year.

You don’t have to live life in pain! Instead, consider finding chiropractic care services.

Your Naperville chiropractor can ease the pain and improve your quality of life. In fact, reducing your back pain can improve other areas of your life, too.

What are the benefits of regular Naperville back therapy? Keep reading to find out! After reading this guide, you can make a more informed decision for your health.

Read on to learn more.


Are you feeling more exhausted each day? There’s a chance your back pain is impacting your energy levels. Visiting the best chiropractor in Naperville could help.

An alignment will ease the pressure on your organs. Your bodily functions will perform more effectively as a result.

You’ll have more energy to take on the day, without worrying about aches and pains. 


Your nerves might struggle to function as intended if your vertebrae aren’t properly aligned. Your nerves might not produce acid as a result. You might experience stomach issues, including gas or heartburn.

If you’re experiencing digestive issues, consider chiropractic treatment. Your chiropractor can align your spine, ensuring different bodily functions perform as intended.


Are you concerned about your immunity, especially in light of the pandemic? Consider Naperville back therapy. Chiropractic care services could boost your immunity.

Improving your immunity could benefit your overall health.

Ensuring proper spine alignment will help blood flow throughout the body. Your white blood cells will have an easier time fighting bacteria as a result. Otherwise, white blood cells might struggle to clear invaders from your system.

If your spine isn’t aligned, it could weaken your central nervous system. You might get sick more often as a result. 


Are you struggling to get enough sleep each night? There’s a chance your back pain is making it difficult for you to sleep. Consider visiting your Geneva chiropractor.

People who experience chronic pain get 42 fewer minutes of quality sleep each night. Only 37% of patients who are in pain say they get good sleep.

Insufficient sleep could impact your overall health. You need to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Otherwise, you could develop:

  • Poor balance
  • Weight gain
  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Weakened immunity
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mood swings
  • Memory issues
  • High blood pressure

Instead, Google “chiropractor near me” and find the help you need. Reducing your pain can help you get enough sleep, improving your overall health. 


One of the biggest benefits of choosing chiropractic care services is its ability to relieve your pain.

Sometimes, relying on over-the-counter painkillers to mask your symptoms can become dangerous. You might even develop a tolerance to the medications over time. Some people even develop a dangerous addiction.

Otherwise, you could experience side effects if you use pain medication too often. Medication will only mask your symptoms. It won’t solve the root cause of your back pain.

Instead, consider chiropractic care services. Your Naperville chiropractor can assess your health and determine the root cause of your pain.

For example, they might realize you have a musculoskeletal misalignment. An adjustment could align your spine properly. Proper alignment can impact the nerve conductivity of your muscles and joints.

Pinpointing the root cause of your back pain can reduce your pain symptoms. At the same time, you can save time and money by getting to the root problem.

Once your spine is aligned, your blood will flow throughout your body easier. Blood carries nutrients to your muscles and joints. Areas of your body will have an easier time healing as a result.

In fact, nearly 60% of participants in a study experienced a 30% reduction in low back pain after visiting a doctor.

About 94% of the patients who visited a chiropractor experienced a reduction in back pain.

Visiting a chiropractor instead of a general physician could prove more effective at easing your pain. 


A spine misalignment could cause you to develop chronic headaches, too.

First, make sure you’re drinking enough water every day. Dehydration and oxygen deprivation are both common causes of headaches. If that’s not the issue, talk to your Naperville chiropractor.

Let them know you’re experiencing chronic headaches. An alignment could help ease the pain.

An alignment will improve blood flow throughout your body. Oxygen will have an easier time reaching the brain, too. Both can ease your headaches, improving your quality of life. 


Visiting a chiropractor for an alignment could improve your mobility, too.

When you’re in pain, you might find it difficult to stretch and move. You could notice changes to your muscle tone, flexibility, and strength as a result.

Instead, consider chiropractic treatment. Your chiropractor can ease the pain and improve your range of motion.

You won’t have to rely on painkillers anymore. Instead, your endorphin production will improve, further improving your quality of life. 


Chiropractic care services could help if you’re experiencing issues breathing, too.

When your middle and lower back isn’t in alignment, it could impair your lung function. Your body needs oxygen for proper nerve function.


Finding the best chiropractic care service in Naperville could change your life. You’ll have an easier time moving without pain. Otherwise, you could increase your risk of a potential injury.

For example, you might sustain a sports injury or develop worse back pain if you sit at a desk all day.

Your Naperville chiropractor can provide the tips you need to improve your current lifestyle. They can help you minimize potential problems down the road, too!


Don’t live life struggling with back pain. Instead, consider these nine benefits of chiropractic care services. By visiting your Naperville chiropractor, you can ease the pain away and get back to your life!

Eager for your first appointment? We’re here to help!

Schedule an exam and consultation at no cost today.

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